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Conversion Kits Protective Spare parts
FX Training System

Tactical Simunition

Simunition® is the pioneer and world leader in providing military, law enforcement and approved range members with the most realistic and non-lethal force-on-force, simulation training. Professionals whose lives depend on the best training possible know that they can always count on Simunition to provide them with the most effective close-range, reality-based training system.

Firearm Conversion Kits

Simunition believes that realism is the most important aspect of effective law enforcement and military training. Based on the concept of realistic training, Simunition ® has developed conversion kits which allow users to train safely with their own service weapons and duty equipment in single-shot, burst or full-automatic mode. Our easy-to-install kits can be utilized on the user’s own service weapon and are available for a wide variety of weapons.

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