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Tactical Ear Protection

Communication is key in the field, and everything from your police radio earpiece to your microphone needs to be reliable. Trust Tetragon to provide you with the best in police radio accessories to keep things running smoothly on every job. Whether you’re searching for a new headset or need the latest radio, Tetragon has what you need.

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ear pieces Ear phone connection Torpedo ear pieces Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $9.99
Ear phone Earmolds police radio canada Ear phone connection Earmolds for Acoustic Tubes Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $9.99
Replacement radio ear tip canada Ear phone connection Radio Earpiece Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $12.99
Ear phone connection Clear Tube Canada Ear phone connection Clear Tube Replacement (Coiled Acoustic Tube) Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $13.99
Peltor Hygiene Kit Canada Peltor Earmuff Replacement Hygiene Kit Back Order
Our Price: $19.99
SureFire EP3 Sonic Defenders SureFire EP3 Sonic Defenders Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $24.99
Peltor X3A Earmuffs Peltor X3A Earmuffs Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $39.99
The Ear Phone Connection Fox CT ear pieces is the perfect radio earpiece for police radios in Canada; made to fit into Motorola and other radios in both 3.5 mm earpiece and 2.5 mm earpiece input. Ear Phone Connection Radio Earpiece Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $44.99
Code Red Tango Jr Canada Code Red Tango Jr Listen Only 3.5MM Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $49.99
The X-Series earmuffs are 3M's latest advancement in hearing conservation. New technologies in comfort, design and protection all come together in this groundbreaking earmuff line Peltor X5A Earmuffs Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $62.99
Code Red Radio Earpiece Code Red 3.5MM Radio Earpiece Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $74.99
Peltor Gel Sealing Rings Canada Peltor Camelback Gel Sealing Rings Currently Unavailable
Our Price: $79.99
earphoneconnect Canada Ear Phone Connection RAM Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $149.99
Peltor 3M ProTac III Headset Canada Peltor 3M ProTac III Headset Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $164.99
Peltor Tactical Sport Canada Peltor Tactical Sport Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $254.99
The Peltors Tactical pro is a electronic earmuff for shooting, perfect for the Canadian police officer or sport shooter who are on the gun range. Clearly hear around you with these electronic earmuffs. Tetragon your number one source for Tactical Products Peltor Tactical Pro Back Order
Our Price: $429.99