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Condor Hats

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​The Condor tactical cap has three hook and loop panels for patches, including one on the front (We like to put our favourite Canadien flag patch) one on the top for your head for a IR patch and one on the back for your name tag. Condor Tactical Cap Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $24.99

​The Condor tactical cap has three hook and loop panels for patches, including one on the front (We like to put our favourite Canadien flag patch) one on the top for your head for a IR patch and one on the back for your name tag. Condor Tactical Cap Kryptek Typhon Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $24.99
​The Condor tactical cap has three hook and loop panels for patches, including one on the front (We like to put our favourite Canadien flag patch) one on the top for your head for a IR patch and one on the back for your name tag. Condor Tactical Cap Multicam Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $24.99
​The Condor tactical cap has three hook and loop panels for patches, including one on the front (We like to put our favourite Canadien flag patch) one on the top for your head for a IR patch and one on the back for your name tag. Condor Tactical Cap MultiCam Black Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $24.99
​The Condor tactical cap has three hook and loop panels for patches, including one on the front (We like to put our favourite Canadien flag patch) one on the top for your head for a IR patch and one on the back for your name tag. Condor Tactical Cap MultiCam Tropic Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $24.99
The Condor Outdoor Tactical Team hat was made to protect you from the elements while still providing a stylish aesthetic and distinct appearance, this is our best selling police hat. Condor Tactical Team Cap Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $24.99