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Rings BlueGun Sig P320

Ring’s Manufacturing crafts the most detailed, accurate and extensive line of “Firearm Simulators” on the market today. All of our products are inert detailed replicas of actual weapons designed for Law Enforcement and Military Training.
Our Price: $124.99

Availability:: Currently Unavailable
Product Code: FSP320

Solid molded with no moving or removable parts, the non-weighted standard or true-weight blue models are rugged and industry proven. The true-weight option has additional weights that are apportioned and balanced throughout the weapon during the manufacturing process. Therefore a True Weight Sig "feels" like a fully loaded Sig in weight and balance.

SIG Model Training simulator Blue Guns are made by Ring’s Manufacturing who crafts a very detailed and accurate extensive line of Firearm pistol and rifle Simulators” on the market today. Blue Guns from Ring's Manufacturing designs and manufacture inert detailed simulated replicas of actual weapons for Law Enforcement and Military Training.

Each blue gun product is made with strong, impact-resistant polyurethane with steel reinforcement where necessary. This prevents bending and flexing while maintaining the detail, handling and balance of the actual weapon they represent. Each gun is fabricated in "Law Enforcement Blue" - the most recognized safety color in the world and a realistic & safe alternative to using live firearms in training situations.

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