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Simunition SecuriBlank Quiet

Simunition  SecuriBlank Quiet

Availability:: Subject to availability
Product Code: 53060033

Please email for pricing; sales@tetragon.ca

Simunition ® is the world leader in safe,realistic and interactive short range training solutions. SecuriBlank ® Quiet, the most recent Simunition ® training cartridge, sets the
standard as the world’s safest blank cartridge.

SecuriBlank ® Quiet is designed using the Simunition ® patented reduced-energy technology and works with a weapon conversion kit, increasing safety and ensuring proper weapon functioning. SecuriBlank ® Quiet joins the FX ® Marking Cartridges to complete the Simunition ® family of non-lethal, reduced-energy training cartridges.

> Designed for military, law enforcement and approved
range programs
> Non-toxic cartridge
> Reduced propellant charge
> Cleaner than conventional blanks, no weapon fouling
> Safer blank, no unburnt propellant and zero ejected
particles from the barrel
> Realistic recoil
> Functions in Simunition ® converted service weapons
> Available in 9mm and 5.56mm
> No flash and no sound signature allows training
at extreme close range
> No minimum standoff distance

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