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Discreet Carry Concepts Mod 3.1 "The JWB"

Discreet Carry Concepts Mod 3.1 "The JWB"
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Our Price: $24.99

Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: 0001231

Some pictures show multiple parts for visual reference only. Clips are sold individually. Qty of one = one clip: .

The Mod 3.1 aka "The JWB" came to life as a result of the needs of world class bladesmith and maker of quality hard use tools, J.W. Bensinger out of Vermont. He needed a high performance attachment to work for his specific application, so he took one of our current offerings and cut, milled, drilled and shaped it exactly how he needed it. It showed up at our door and after a few minor changes that he agreed upon we went ahead and created this little monster. Like all of it's siblings, it is a huge performer in a very minimalist footprint that you can rely on with your life. What's the best part? When asked if he wanted it to be exclusive to him he said "no, make it available to anyone and everyone".

tandard Hole Spacing to fit popular holsters.

  • 1.73" OAL +/-.03"
  • Width: .624"
  • Dual .188" mounting holes 1" on center.
  • Single .280" access hole on the front
  • Inside dimensional tolerances: +/-.03"
  • Designed to be worn on a pocket or behind the belt and out of sight. Nothing to be seen extending below or over the belt.
  • Standard DMG/Cu finish: Color - DCC dark matte grey. Non reflective and resists corrosion very well

Hardware not included.

Care and maintenance: Our new finish does not need much attention. If any light scratches or wear marks develop, we recommend a quick buff with WD40, but anything from vegetable oil to mineral oil to CLP to motor oil will work well. Just put a couple drops on your clip and rub it in vigorously using firm pressure with a lint free cloth. This will help keep it looking it's best cosmetically.

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