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BTI Ram Breaching Door

The BTI Ram Door is an inward opening door designed to offer realistic and affordable Real-World Training.

Availability:: Pre-Order
Product Code: BITRAMBREA


The BTI Ram Door is an inward opening door designed to offer realistic and affordable Real-World Training. The Ram Door can be installed in an existing structure or can be utilized with the optional Leg Kit.

The Ram Door can simulate up to a 3-lock set utilizing the built-in locking system and BTI Breaching Pins. The Breaching Pins are designed, engineered, and manufactured to simulate breaching wood frames, metal frames, and reinforced frames.

Ram Doors available in the following configurations, Ram Door Reinforced SKU: RDR and Ram Door Reverse Opening SKU: RDRO

Legs Kits
All BTI Breaching Doors can be installed into an existing structure or can be utilized with the optional Leg Kit.

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