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ASP 26" Talon Baton

ASP Talon Baton Canada
Our Price: $364.99

Availability:: Back Order
Product Code: 22611

The most advanced tactical baton in the world. Faster, smoother, maintenance-free reliability the ASP Talon baton.

After decades of consistently raising the bar on expandable baton design, construction and performance, ASP Police found a way to outdo themselves.

Like the original and proven Talon design, these batons open decisively with a quick upward or downward flick—or quietly, with fingertip extension—and close directly into the scabbard or hand, with a push of the end cap or button.

But with the Infinity family, ASP reduced moving parts for greater precision, strength and long-term dependability.

ASP incorporated exclusive materials and construction to ensure faster, smoother deployment and retraction, while eliminating the need for routine lubrication

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